Year: 2024

Gifts of Hope: Alex’s Story

Recently Unemployed Cape Codder Receives Emergency Mortgage Assistance Alex was devastated when he received word that his company was closing its local branch, and he was going to lose his job. The short-term loss of income was going to be difficult, but his family’s situation only worsened when Alex’s wife found out that she was…

Gifts of Hope: Grace’s Story

Daughter Attains Heating Assistance for Ailing Parents Grace and her family are longtime clients of Lower Cape Outreach Council’s (LCOC) food pantry in their town. They came to know the volunteers and staff quite well, so when Grace’s parents began to have health issues, she knew she could rely on the agency for additional assistance.…

Gifts of Hope: Mike’s Story

Food Pantry Keeps Neighbors in Need Healthy and Fed Mike began utilizing one of Lower Cape Outreach Council’s nine food pantries in late 2022 when the cost of groceries became too much for his tight budget. “At the time, it was eggs,” Mike said. “I literally could not afford to continue buying them, and they…

Gifts of Hope: Tonya’s Story

Santa Stop Gratitude & Hope When the holiday season rolls around, many Lower and Outer Cape residents can feel stress and anxiety in not knowing how they will be able to provide a magical experience for their children or grandchildren. At Lower Cape Outreach Council (LCOC), there is a solution for this angst. With tremendous…

Gifts of Hope: Peter’s Story

Struggling Father Finds Dignity for Him and His Children Cape Cod winters can be long, cold, and windy. Too many of our neighbors face these conditions without the necessary gear. While there are options for acquiring donated or used coats, the Lower Cape Outreach Council believes in the value of providing brand new, unworn jackets…

Gifts of Hope: Janet’s Story

Thanksgiving Gratitude & Hope Thanksgiving has always been a special holiday for Janet and her family. Some of her earliest memories are of large family gatherings at her grandparents’ home to celebrate together. Unfortunately, Janet’s husband recently passed, and a string of unexpected challenges followed, making it difficult for her to continue those special family…

Summer of Hope: Lindsey’s Story

Pantry Client Receives Critical Transportation Support Lindsey has been accessing the Lower Cape Outreach Council’s food pantry for the last five years. Approaching age 60, her only transportation during that time was a bicycle that she picked up from the transfer station. More recently, Lindsey developed a series of injuries to her back, hips, and…

Summer of Hope: Lou’s Story

Young Father Receives Help with Bills Lou – a father of two young boys sharing custody with their mother – visited Lower Cape Outreach Council’s main emergency food pantry in Orleans. During his initial conversation with the front desk volunteer, he learned about other services that the agency offers. Lou’s disability makes it difficult for…

Summer of Hope: Victoria’s Story

Lower Cape Outreach Covers Camp Costs to Allow a Single Chatham Mother to Work As a struggling single mother of two, Victoria is grateful for the services Lower Cape Outreach Council (LCOC) has afforded her family over recent years. She frequently picks up free clothing for herself and her sons at Katy’s Korner in Orleans…