It was late on a Thursday afternoon when Shane realized that his oil tank was almost empty. He did not have the money to pay for an oil delivery until his next paycheck came in, but without getting the tank filled, his home and family were at risk of facing a week of freezing temperatures with no heat. After making a few calls, he was directed to the Lower Cape Outreach Council who worked with Cape Cod Oil to ensure that Shane would receive a delivery of 100 gallons of oil the next day. “It was an absolute lifesaver,” Shane said of the help that he received from LCOC. “It’s been so cold. I don’t know what we would have done without heat for a week!”
The Lower Cape Outreach Council provides emergency financial assistance for Lower and Outer Cape residents like Shane. Over the last year, LCOC helped more than 220 families keep their heat and utilities running during the most difficult months. Throughout the winter, the non-profit works tirelessly to ensure that no family on the Lower and Outer Cape is left out in the cold. Donate today to help families like Shane get through this cold winter.
If you or a neighbor on the Lower or Outer Cape are in need of fuel and/or utilities assistance this winter, LCOC may be able to help. Contact us at 508-240-0694.