Alex’s Story

Lower Cape Resident Attends Professional Training with Help from Lower Cape Outreach

Alex came to the Lower Cape Outreach Council seeking assistance with a large tuition bill. After meeting with the agency’s social worker, Alex worked hard to save what he could and LCOC agreed to cover the balance. The school Alex will attend is a professional training academy for long-distance truckers.  This program will provide him with the opportunity to earn a larger income, work for a more stable company, and remain living on the Lower Cape. Alex has worked as a seasonal employee for the last several years, but now sees a brighter future for himself.

LCOC was proud to support Alex’s request as he is pursuing an opportunity that will help him on his path to self-sufficiency. “I cannot wait to get started in this class,” Alex said. “I’ll be able to provide a better living for myself and stay living here on the Cape where my roots are. I don’t want to have to move just to get a better job.”

Alex will begin class this winter and expects to graduate with a job offer by the spring. “The academy sets up interviews during the last week of class, so I am really hopeful that I will finish up and be able to get right to work.”

In addition to the financial assistance program that helped Alex, the Lower Cape Outreach Council, based in Orleans, operates nine food pantries across the Lower and Outer Cape, a free clothing and home goods center, a Thanksgiving meal distribution, and a holiday toy program for children to assist our neighbors in need on the Lower and Outer Cape.